Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A BIG Setback

Hey hey hey,

It has been far too long since I wrote in this blog. The past week has been a giant setback for me. I did go running the majority of last week - up until Thursday - and it was pretty hard to fit it in with work and everything...but then on Friday...I fecked off to Milan for the weekend with Gillian to see Bat For Lashes play.

I thought I might get a bit of a run in over there - but on day one of being there my foot started to swell up with the heat/salty food/pressure...I'm not really sure what the exact underlying cause of it all was. The Google Doctor would indicate that although it may look on the verge of elephatitis, it is actually just a case of edema - a build up of fluid retention in one area [my left foot].

The photo above shows the desperate state of affairs it had reached by the time we got home on Monday night. So I haven't ran since last Wednesday - a full week ago now. I elevated my legs on about four cushions last night going to sleep and have drank a load of water since I came back - so for the first time in about four or five days I could see my left ankle today. I didn't head out training though - I think I need to give it another day to make sure it can take a proper running session.

It's definitely a bit of a setback though. I don't know how fast I'll get through the 10k now...but I have taken a few days off work over the next few weeks leading up to the race, so I'm hoping that I can get a good bit of running done between now and then.

Thanks for all the sponsorship again - it's great to see the figure going up all the time.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh my god, Karen!!!!!! That looks so painful! It's all better now though, right?

  3. Yep, all better now. I can see my ankle again. That's the main thing, right???
