Thursday, April 23, 2009

Il Pleut...

And on the sixth day there shall be rain.

I have to say - I thought I'd be put off by this. Not a bit of it though - was loving getting soaked as I ran this afternoon. There's something quite refreshing about getting drenched sometimes - mainly when you have the comfort of knowing you've dry clothes to change into when you get home.

I met up with a few mates last night and ended up having more to drink than I had intended - 3 glasses of wine. Not too much - but it screws you up when you drink and then train the next morning. I had 3 pints [yes, 3 is the magic number] on Saturday night and went for a run Sunday morning but there was a bit of an underlying feeling in my stomach that I could vomit with all that exercise and last night's alcohol. So that's why I broke the routine of morning running today. And I do like routine. I just thought it best to give the vino a bit more time to escape me.

The muscles aren't as sore now - but I'm changing to a longer route on Saturday so the pain will probably kick back in once that starts. I think I'm running about 4/5k daily now. I haven't a clue really.

Thanks indeed to everyone who has sponsored me so far - and remember you can make a donation by clicking here: RIGHT HERE

I'm in a bit of a French mood - went to see a French film called The Class today. Gotta love a bit of world cinema.

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