Monday, April 20, 2009

About DEBRA Ireland

I guess I've gotten off to a great start. The weather has been amazing the past three days - and I've been making it my daily chore to go running as soon as I get out of bed in the morning. Now I did promise that I'd let ye know a little bit about the cause I'm running for. It might be an idea to watch this short video:

Somehow I don't think it was the Superman song that got me all 'lump in my throat' like and teary eyed when I was watching this. When I saw it I just thought - right - I'm going to work my tiny hiney off for the next 40 odd days and get past the external muscle pain. Imagine living in eternal pain - it's commendable how people can revert to getting happiness from the simple things in life sometimes.

Also, if you'd like to sponsor me, this is where it's at: RIGHT HERE

The official line [taken from their site]
DEBRA Ireland is a national charity set up in 1988 to raise awareness of and offer support to patients and families affected by the rare genetic skin condition, Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB). This is a very distressing and painful disorder which causes the skin layers and internal body linings to separate and blister at the slightest touch. There are three types of EB the most common being EB Simplex or EB Dystrophic, with EB Junctional being fatal within the first two years of life.

1 comment:

  1. Looks great, best of luck Howler, will be sponsoring the face off you soon!
